Awesome website what a breat of Fresh air much great truth through out! I mtself was also a flyfishing guide for 20+ years here on the Olympic peninsula &10+yrs in AK mostly the Katmai rivers and little copper and several Togiak area rivers but today I am crippled from a v.traumatic head first fall from a cliff while scouting sea-run cutthroat runs on a lightly fished fork of the "Dickey river" I thank my Awesome GOD that my spinal cord was never compromised Iand several of my friends appreciate your posting "scripture on your website! it speak volumes of your character&Strength.may ourGODcontinue to bless you mightily : S g Gracey aka just-> "gordy
For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, because they are understood through what has been made. So peopleare without excuse.(Rom 1:20)
Awesome website what a breat of Fresh air much great truth through out! I mtself was also a flyfishing guide for 20+ years here on the Olympic peninsula &10+yrs in AK mostly the Katmai rivers and little copper and several Togiak area rivers but today I am crippled from a v.traumatic head first fall from a cliff while scouting sea-run cutthroat runs on a lightly fished fork of the "Dickey river"
I thank my Awesome GOD that my spinal cord was never compromised
Iand several of my friends appreciate your posting "scripture on your website! it speak volumes of your character&Strength.may ourGODcontinue to bless you mightily
: S g Gracey aka just-> "gordy